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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bar None, BBQ Nachos, Cafe Society Corsair Artisan Tasting Update

A few people have asked what's the best thing to eat at Bar None. Having only been there twice, with limited snacking, it's hard to say. The few items I did try tasted great, with the mango-sriracha wings being my favorite. Any recommendations?
Central BBQ nachos

Have you ever had bbq nachos at Central BBQ? If not, make sure you try them the next time you visit one of their locations. They are fantastic. Most people get them loaded with pork shoulder, but give the chicken a try. You will love it. One more thing, it is a huge plate. Easy for two people to split for a meal.

The Corsair Artisan Distillery tasting scheduled for this Wednesday night at Cafe Society in Midtown has been rescheduled to Wednesday, January 12, 2011. More details as they become available.