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Sunday, January 09, 2011

Snow Day, Spirits Tasting

Its looking like tomorrow will be a snow day in the Memphis area. City and county schools are already closed and businesses will make announcements in the morning about closures. If you are off tomorrow, how will you enjoy your snow day? Playing in the snow? At home watching trashy daytime tv? At a local pub? Make the most out of the day. Check for updates. Fox also has some great live shots of the snow falling in Memphis.

Midtown's Cafe Society is hosting a Corsair Artisan Spirits Tasting on Wednesday, January 12th at 6:30PM.
Featured spirits will be Vanilla Bean Vodka, Spiced Rum, Gin-Head Style Gin and Triple Smoked Whiskey.  Each spirit will come with its own small special plate.  The cost per person is $25 plus tax and gratuity.  Additional small plates will be available for $5. This may be the perfect way to warm up with the cold weather we are expecting this week.