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Monday, September 11, 2006

Weekend Wrap Up: Art On Tap, Cafe Ole, Celtic Crossing and Recovery

My weekend started Friday night at Art on Tap at the Dixon. The is a great event. For $20, you get to taste around 100 beers, eat food from places like Central BBQ and mingle with Memphis' up and comers. I couldn't tell you how many beers I had, but I know it was too many. My only complaint is that there were too many people. Organizers should have closed the entrance gates after they ran out of the commemorative glasses. All in all the event was great and I can't wait for next year to come along.

Once we were "Tapped Out" we went to Cafe Ole for snacks and beverages. It was slow, but the 3 pitchers of margaritas made our stay go by quicker. We then made our way over to Celtic Crossing. As usual Celtic was packed. I had a quick beer and went home with NL. Feeling bad for one of my buddies, I dropped NL off at home and forced my friend to go back out. He needed wing man support and I was just the friend to do it.

By the time we made it back to Celtic, the pub had cleared out significantly. The saucy mid-4o's gal on the bar that was the target of evening was gone as well. So we stayed and drank too many beers and then went to Alex's for a night cap.

Saturday was spent recovering from my Friday antics. I did convince NL to join me in a Popeye's dinner while we watched the Texas football game. Other than that it was spent doing laundry and what not.