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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Lazy Sunday

What’s to do on the Sunday of a 4-5 day weekend? I think I’m one of the only people around who didn’t strategically plan a super long 4th of July weekend. I’d rather save my vacation days for the holidays and football season. It’s a pretty day, perhaps an outside brunch is in the cards or some kind of grill action later in the day.

I’ve always enjoyed the 4th of July. We typically went on vacations to the Redneck Riviera or held some kind of cook out at home or a relative’s houses. Getting sunburned, drinking and eating are some of my favorite things.

Independence Day wouldn’t be complete with out fireworks. We always went to Wild Bill’s Fireworks in Slidell and loaded up on bottle rockets, jumping jacks, M-80’s and what ever else would be colorful and make loud noises. Unfortunately, I read the other day that many cities (including Slidell) are having fireworks bans due to drought conditions. Bring on the rain!!!