Apparently the "Statue of Religity" project on Kirby and Winchester is not yet complete. Still in the works in a replica of Jesus' tomb in the base of the statue and a visitor parking lot. To quote the church pastor, "I feel that it is money well spent." This church is quickly becoming a legtimate contender for the Memphis area "Six Flags Over Jesus" award. This is currently held by another church located off of I-40.
Tomorrow night I'm heading over to my first Redbirds game of the year. Sure they are a horrible team, but its hard to turn down suite tickets. This could be followed up by a visit to a Downtown watering hole.
Saturday is currently wide open, except for a some home maintence. Cleaning is fun!
Sunday should be a relaxing day, with a neighborhood pot luck picnic in the evening. I wonder what I should bring?
Looking forward to football season! The Golden Eagles kick off in 36 days.