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Friday, October 01, 2010

Carnival Food

The Red River Rivalry, the annual football contest between Texas and Oklahoma for those who don't know, always reminds me of the goodness that can be found at the Texas State Fair every year. Like most fairs, there are lots of fried foods and it always seems like these creations get their start in Texas. Who can forget the deep fried Snickers, Twinkies and butter. Yes, deep fried butter. This year's new item that is getting a lot of hype is deep friend beer. I can think of several others ways to enjoy batter and beer separately, but what the heck, its Texas.

A friend recently told me about a Carnival Food Year Round, a restaurant that specializes in, you guessed it, carnival food. Located in Cordova, their menu ranges from deep friend anything to salads. I didn't know you could get a salad at a carnival. So if you get a hankering for a funnel cake or a corn dog, this may be the place to go. 

I wonder if Carnival Food Year Round has an authentic carnival feel. Sure, you may get the smells and tastes from the deep frier, but what about the authentic carny service. Like these guys from The Simpsons.

or Joe Dirt

or the rare cute carny, like Kristen Stewart in Adventureland.

I'm sure you can have an authentic carny serve you at the Mid South Fair this weekend at the DeSoto Civic Center in Southaven. Outside of carnival season, you now know where to go.

Pronto Pup anyone?